Gregor Cuzak

on marketing, business and philosophy

August 28, 2012
by Gregor Cuzak


Pišem. Ker moram. Moram pisati. O tebi. Ki bereš. Ki pišeš. Občasno. Počasi. Kričanje. Ob steno. Duši. Me. V duši. Do kdaj? In za koga? Čemu? Resnica. Boli. Četudi imam prav. Se motim. Navzkriž. Laž. Razbija. Zidove miru. Nemir se … Continue reading

July 1, 2012
by Gregor Cuzak

Ljubiti nič

Človek, kdo si? Ki tičiš v zemlji, ki te zrak ne vleče, ki smrdiš. Kdo si, hudir? Zakaj renčiš, ti život prečuje noč, kam te nosi blodenj pot. Vseved, ki nič ne veš, ki nič ne znaš, ki nič ne … Continue reading

June 8, 2012
by Gregor Cuzak

Marko Pogačnik

V Moderni galeriji si lahko od tega tedna naprej do novembra ogledate razstavo enega najpomembnejših slovenskih umetnikov zadnjih 50 let. Včeraj sem imel izjemno srečo, saj sem se lahko priključil zaključeni skupini z ene od likovnih fakultet (ALU, Arhitektura, Filozofija … Continue reading

March 4, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak


Transgressing is a strange word. It is less forward moving as progressing, however still more dynamic than digressing, and far away from depressing. Sounds distressing? Maybe, but a shake up here and there is a blessing. Have you read any … Continue reading

January 23, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak


The world is perfect. Why do you think that if you ruled it you could make it better? Learning is about adding pieces of knowledge. The way of Tao is in taking pieces away. What remains is nothingness perfectly connected … Continue reading