Gregor Cuzak

on marketing, business and philosophy

May 28, 2022
by Gregor Cuzak

On truth

Truth is elusive, never conclusive, always revealing, yet also concealing, protecting, caressing, endlessly blessing, forgiving, yet never forgetting, sincerely opaque, transparent, yet vague, united, diverse, unspoken, unseen, unheard, unobserved, yet felt, with no end, the greatest of strengths, the mightiest … Continue reading

March 8, 2022
by Gregor Cuzak

A sketch

Times come, when time halts. It halts. We’re in a loop. It boils. Boiling goes on. It boils. Toiling. Is it? It boils. Roll up your sleeves. Chances are change is coming. Just wait. Wait. It’s coming. Wham! There. Bang, … Continue reading

October 25, 2020
by Gregor Cuzak

A flowing flute

Discover the cold and grueling mold of distant control haphazard patrol.   The windowless shriek as birds travel meek they kindly molest sufficiently bleak.   Another will turn, give birth to a yearn, the unfinished feast, inglorious beast.

May 13, 2015
by Gregor Cuzak

letter to love

Gleaming at a plane I’d rather not refrain from keeping you in vain, the heart just keeps the pain.   The days that passed away, they stay in me to pray that we shall meet again, the sooner is the … Continue reading

February 2, 2015
by Gregor Cuzak

Feeling love.

Fallen low. Get up. Fulled the law. Maybe. For in-laws. Do it. Faltered owl. Vet‘n‘heal. False alarm. Cut it. Follow love. Always.

December 3, 2014
by Gregor Cuzak


Glowing gliding glaring to the sun caressing, driving madly over you, they flowers they are won. On matress windfall falls, it trembles, jerks and growls, the one of blossoms that I love a spasm clinging on your cove. Ascribe, ascribe … Continue reading