Gregor Cuzak

on marketing, business and philosophy

February 18, 2012
by Gregor Cuzak

Europe and USA and China and Africa and India

Europe:               USA:                     China:                    Africa:                India: old                        new                       forever                  now                     transcendent many                   one                         we                         all                         layered nations                people                    together               tribes                   casts bureaucrat         entrepreneur        communist           shaman               fakhir king                     millionaire             master                  chief                     maharaja football                football                  ping pong              football                cricket secular                religious                 powerful               animistic              ritual intelligent           smart                     cunning                 instinctful            vying long                     short                       as needed             not-measured    predefined slow                     quick                      patient                  feeble                   there deep                    wide                        both                      underlying           correlated cautious              brave                      strategic               flocking                loving value                   cash                         domination          story                    peace horizontal           vertical                    spiral                    wave                    crusty intricate              straight                   cloaked                 genuine               cautious myth                   legend                      godly                    spiritual               vedic

December 25, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak

Labyrinth of law

Legal systems grow towards becoming useless. Legal systems are as prone to the Gödel’s theorem as any system. Sadly for such systems this means that in order for the systems to remain truthful and avoid breakage they need to grow … Continue reading