Gregor Cuzak

on marketing, business and philosophy

February 6, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak


Joe Pons, professor of marketing at IEDC: “A niche!? You know what a niche is? It’s that small cavern in the wall of graves in mediteranean cemeteries! So, a very very small space. Why would you want that as your … Continue reading

January 7, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak

Nil Clock

On the fifth day of my job here at Nil I have found out this amazing clock, that cycles in 24 hours, not in 12. Apparently, the clock wasn’t made by some X company before Nil had the idea to … Continue reading

December 9, 2010
by Gregor Cuzak

Kaj hočem?

Svobodo. Družino. Veselje, ljubezen. Pomagati društvu Šent. Seks. Adrenalin. Zgodbe. Biti fit. Biti energičen. Imeti občutek moči. Ustvarjati. Se učiti marketinga in ga udejanjati na mednarodnem področju. Spoznati vrhunske inovatorje in jim pomagati pri prodoru na svetovne trge. Postaviti principe … Continue reading