Gregor Cuzak

on marketing, business and philosophy

March 15, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak

Sponsoring in Slovenia

Slovenia is different, I told you that already. Another example is the issue of sponsorships. Again, as with CRM, or print advertising, or many other areas, sponsoring does not make economic sense. But again, it does, just the metrics is … Continue reading

March 9, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a new way of managing information technology (IT). Instead of focusing on infrastructure, such as servers, routers, storage, we now focus on services, such as communication, applications, security. We still need infrastructure, but instead of building big … Continue reading

February 6, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak


Joe Pons, professor of marketing at IEDC: “A niche!? You know what a niche is? It’s that small cavern in the wall of graves in mediteranean cemeteries! So, a very very small space. Why would you want that as your … Continue reading

January 7, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak

Nil Clock

On the fifth day of my job here at Nil I have found out this amazing clock, that cycles in 24 hours, not in 12. Apparently, the clock wasn’t made by some X company before Nil had the idea to … Continue reading

January 3, 2011
by Gregor Cuzak

New Job

Here’s to my new job. I just became marketing manager in Nil. Here are the resons why I took on the challenge: – international marketing, haven’t done it yet, want to, a lot – strong company, a great basis for … Continue reading